Sunday, October 04, 2009


Dear All,

A wonderful oppurtunity has come our way in form of the Prithvi Platform performances, which takes place during the Prithvi Theatre festival. We have been asked to showcase our new Dastango's. In October, when we continue with our workshop, we will also be choosing two people to perform for half hour, as part of the platform performances. The date slotted to us is the 12th of November. Who all will be ready by then?

Please watch this space for information on other festivals.


mafa said...

I am afraid so. Otherwise it may be quite unfair to those who did participate, don't you think so.

Where imagination goes to die said...

This is very exciting!
Will the indomitable Husain and Dan also be performing?

Noorjahan Enterprises said...

I must admit that I am new to this art form, but am very intrigued and would love to come watch. Where is the 12/11 show being put on?