
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Upcoming Dastangoi Shows

Hyderabad-- 15th January as part of the Rangsutra Festival, at NIFT Campus, Madhapur
Hyderabad. Rajesh and Rasika will join us from Bombay.

India Habitat Centre, Delhi- 19th January, 7 pm. Ankit and Yojit perform along side Dan and I as we inaugurate their new series, 'Bards and Minstrels of India,' more info at

Lucknow--30th January, as part of the Mahindra-Sanatkada festival, most probably at Kaiserbagh, more details from 9415-104361 / 9336-592678 / 9889-616174. Rajesh and Rasika will join us from Bombay.